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by Barb Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor on InDesign

Learn everything you need to know about the 5 best new features of InDesign CC 2019:0:15 - Content-Aware Fit2:12 - Adjust Layout4:37 - Import PDF Comments6:3. Adobe rebuffed the Quark offer and instead continued to work on a new page layout application. The project had been started by Aldus and was code-named 'Shuksan'. It was later code-named 'K2' and was released as InDesign 1.0 in 1999. The new InDesign software was initially launched in the UK through a series of promotional hotel meetings. The latest/most current version of Adobe InDesign is the January 2021 (version 16.0.2). This is a macOS only release with an update to fix the application icon issue in macOS BigSur. For a list of bugs fixed in the latest and previous releases, see Fixed issues. For more information on the latest features of InDesign, see What's New. Alternatively, you can jumpstart your designs with a high-quality template. If you scroll in the main part of the New Document dialog box, you’ll find free templates with rich designs for a variety of projects, and you can download hundreds more from Adobe Stock. When you’re done, click Create to open a document with these settings.

I am not able to open a document that I created in InDesign yesterday. When I took your [Introduction to Adobe InDesign CS6] class, I was using a free trial of the CS6, then after your class my company decided to install CS4 on my computer. I opened CS4 yesterday and began working, then saved the document. This morning when I tried opening my doc, I wasn’t “authorized” because the document was trying to be opened in CS6, which I no longer have.


I’m confused as to why my document would try to open in CS6 when I created and worked in the InDesign CS4? Any advice would be appreciated!

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Knowing how those free 30-day trials work, I’m surmising that while my student thought she was opening up CS4 yesterday, it was actually CS6. Lately, I’ve noticed that the trials will allow you to open one additional time after they expire, but never again.

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There are two possibilities to move forward in this situation:

  1. Use this as an excuse to upgrade to the latest version, or
  2. Find someone (perhaps a friend or co-worker) with a copy of CS6 installed on their computer. Ask them to open the file in InDesign CS6, and then export the file to a format that CS4 can open. The CS6 command to save a file into a format that can be opened in CS4, CS5 or CS5.5 is File > Save as > Format: InDesign CS4 or later (IDML).

My student went with option #2, and was able to locate someone to save her file as an .idml document. (That’s InDesign Markup Language—an XML-based format that can be opened by CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC and, in theory, future versions of InDesign. Her response?

Thank you! That worked great!

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NOTE: If you are on an earlier version of InDesign, say CS3, this process gets a more complicated. Adobe made the decision to update their interchange format from .inx (used by InDesign CS3 and earlier) to the newer .idml format at version CS4. If you are trying to open a CS5, CS5.5, CS6 or CC file in CS3, you will have to a.) save the file as an .idml file in CS5, CS5.5, CS6 or CC and then b.) open it in CS4 and export it to an CS3-compatible .inx file. Chances are, you will be hard-pressed to find the all the versions on a single computer, so this is almost certain to be an exercise in frustration. If this is your situation, I highly recommend updating to the current version of InDesign!

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