C Windows Forms Media Player


You can load Windows Media Player in Windows 10 by double-clicking its icon in the Start menu or taskbar, that strip along the desktop’s bottom edge. When you run Windows Media Player, the program automatically sorts through your computer’s stash of digital music, pictures, and videos, automatically cataloging everything it finds. Steps to load Windows Media Player Control (COM component) into Toolbox. Right Click on General tab (or any other tab) in the Toolbox and select Choose Items Now select COM Components tab and check Windows Media Player and click OK. Surface Laptop Go. Make the most of every day with our lightest Surface laptop.

Adding Windows Media Player to a web form
I've been attempting to add some kind of call to Windows Media Player to a web form for a week or so. I've tried embedding it into the form, but doing so doesn't really help due that I need to set the start time of the file that is called, and there is no easy way to do that. So, instead, I've moved on and am trying to use the interop to the player. Here is my code.protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer myPlayer = new WMPLib.WindowsMediaPlayer(); myPlayer.URL = Server.MapPath('Becker.WMV'); ...
Adding a C# web form to a web project built on a VB project type
I've never tried this before and could use some advice..I have a ASP.Net web application project initially created as VB 'project type'. In a typical folder called Views, I have default.aspx and default.aspx.vb. Now I would like to add to this folder a C# web form. First, I noticed that the dialog for Add New Item does not even contain a web form c-sharp. So, I created another web project with a c-sharp model and then a new web form called QControl. I then copied the files (QControl.aspx, QControl.aspx.cs, QControl.aspx.designer.cs) to my original Views folder described above. ...
Integration of Windows Media Player on web / win forms
Hey all,I'm currently working on an application that displays clips of video to the user. I'm using integration with WMP to achieve this, the thing is: I need to add some extra features. The application needs to be able to display subtitles to the user if he chooses so, as well as navigation through markers. The video files are in mpeg format and the subtitles are in sami files. Basically what I'm wondering is if there's a way to turn subtitles on and off. To incrust the movies on webforms I'm using the <OBJECT ... </OBJECT> formula but it0003...
how to embed windows media player in mobile web form?
How to play a wmv file using asp.net mobile?asenthil Hi asenthil, It is almost the same as downloading mp3 file in ASP.NET Mobile Forms. Please set appropriate content type for WMV file: http://forums.asp.net/t/1188853.aspxZhao Ji MaSincerely,Microsoft Online Community Support“Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ” ...
how to embed windows media player in mobile web form
Hi i am trying to embed WMP in mobile web form in vs 2005. But it is not embedded properly and i am unable to view WMV in my page.but in asp form it works fine. what i miss here? my code goes as follows:<mobile:Form runat='server'> <object width='200' height='150' classid='clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6' type='application/x-oleobject' viewastext> </object> </mobile:Form> c...
Embedding Windows Media Player & Flash Objects in Web Project
HiI have tried to play a mpg file and swf file.I have got working in IE, CHROME, but this is not working in FIREFOX,1. whats the code to play in firefox.2. Now I need to use FLV Player instead of Media Player to play mpg file, how to do that?3. for playing more than 1 files I have 2 link buttons. If I click on the 1st button the first mpg file should play, if I click on 2nd button second MPG file should play.Below is the code which I have tried for playing only 1 file. <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'> &n...
windows forms in vb .net into web forms
we are creating a database driven website as part of our project. currently we have forms connecting to the database created in visual basic. these windows forms we need to convert into web forms which are asp .net compatible. can u give me an answer or show me a way. Hi, because of the difference in nature between web and win applications you'll need to reimplement at least the UI part. If you have a multitiered application in which the busines logic and data access are in different parts/assemblies you can reuse them. Grz, Kris.Read my blog. Handy Firefox plugins for web developers.Wor...
Windows Media Player, Windows 2003 Streaming Media Services and Player Versions
I am going to try and make a media center for my website using Visual Studio.NET, ASP.NET, VB.NET, SQL 2000, Windows 2003 Standard and its Windows Streaming Media Server. I am having a difficult time finding 'Good' info on embedding the windows media player. I am using the Visual Studio COM Component, Windows Media Player to drag and drop the player on the Webform. Everything works great 'for me' because I have the Windows Media Player 9.0 installed on my computer. If I send the link to some one with 8.0 or below nothing happens or just the audio plays. I know ther...
FIX: Updates for Windows Media Player 9 Series and for Windows Media Player 10
followup to grc.techtalk FIX: Updates for Windows Media Player 9 Series and for Windows Media Player 10 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/892313/EN-US/ ----------------------------------------------------------- Quote ----------------------------------------------------------- Article ID : 892313 Last Review : March 11, 2005 Revision : 1.0 SYMPTOMS This article describes the updates for the following issues that occur in Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 Series and in Windows Media Player 10: * Windows Media Player may ignore a fractional STA...
use VB.NET and C#.NET code in the same C#.NET project
All-- Here is a sample that is 'off the beaten path', (at least for me). Is it possible, in an ASP.NET application, using the code-behind page building technique, to have both pages written in VB.NET and pages written C#.NET?At http://www.WebLogicArts.com/DemoList.aspx there is a sample that shows that, (contrary to popular belief), it IS possible to mix ASP.NET pages built with C#.NET with ASP.NET pages built with VB.NET in the same VS.NET 2003 project. Note that this is just a 'fun' sample to see if it can be done and I do not recommend this practice as a 'standard' way of develo...
FIX: Updates for Windows Media Player 9 Series and for Windows Media Player 10 #2
followup to grc.security FIX: Updates for Windows Media Player 9 Series and for Windows Media Player 10 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/892313 see Ed Bott's post before installing: Finally, a (partial) solution for 'poisoned' Windows Media files! http://www.edbott.com/weblog/archives/000641.html ----------------------------------------------------------- Quote ----------------------------------------------------------- Article ID : 892313 Last Review : April 15, 2005 Revision : 2.1 SYMPTOMS This article describes the updat...
How can i add media player or flv player to my web form
Hey, I'm using ASP.net and I'm trying to add a media player or flv player but i dont know how to start so if there is anyone who could help me to find all the steps to do it or an example or an article which illustrates it that would be great so if any of you have any idea wheather about flash player(flv) or media player please post is as soon as possible Thanks in advance This article shows you a couple options:http://steveorr.net/articles/StreamingMedia.aspx Darrell Norton, MVPDarrell Norton's BlogPlease mark this post as answered if it helped yo...
Error 1 The type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinqDataSource' exists in both 'c:WINDOWSassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Web.Extensions3.5.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35System.Web.Extensions.dll' and 'c:WINDOWSasse
Once I build project. I encounter this error. Does someone experience this error?Error 1 The type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinqDataSource' exists in both 'c:WINDOWSassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Web.Extensions3.5.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35System.Web.Extensions.dll' and 'c:WINDOWSassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Web.Extensions3.6.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35System.Web.Extensions.dll' D:Source CodeLinq_Lesson5Default.aspx 1 1 D:Source CodeLinq_Lesson5 It appears tha...
How To Convert c#2005.net web template to vb2005.net Forms Template
I need Convert c#2005.net web template to vb2005.net Forms Template There are some free c# to vb converters out there which will allow you to upload a project and convert it to vb. The programming models for windows forms and web projects are very different there is no way to convert a web to windows forms project. http://www.carlosag.net/Tools/CodeTranslator/Default.aspx Silverlight-helpVb TipsSpace Coast .Net User Group Hey Ajax-y, This tool really helps all programmers. I thought I would share this wit...

A member asked in our C# Facebook group about how can he implement a Video player in C# windows forms. So here I’ve wrote the complete tutorial.


Windows Media Player free download - Windows Media Player (64-bit), Windows Media Player 12, VLC Media Player, and many more programs. If you want to reinstall Windows Media Player, try the following: Click the Start button, type features, and select Turn Windows features on or off. Scroll down and expand Media Features, clear the Windows Media Player check box, and click OK. Restart your device. Windows Media Player should be uninstalled.

1- You have to include Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.dll in your Project.
>> [check how to attach a dll in csharp windows form?]2- Now add this Assembly to your project.

The Mixed Mode Assembly….version ‘v1.1.4322’ error:
3- Third important step is you have to edit your app.config file as follows. Locate this file in your application’s project & open it.
Write this line of code in between <configuration> </configuration>.

We are adding above code in our app.config file because sometimes the following error occurs in our application.

C Windows Forms Media Player Software

This error is due to .Net version compatibility. It can be resolved by adding above code in your app.config file.

Source Code:

C Windows Forms Media Player

Windows Media Player 12

4- And the work is done. All you have to do is see this code & if you need any more functions in this add them.


Free Media Players For Windows 7

Download this source code with complete windows forms & all files.