Return To Prosperity Pdf

If you’re ready to live the life God desires you to have, it’s important to understand whole-life prosperity. Begin today with these 7 laws of prosperity.

'If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored; If you remove unrighteousness far from your tent, And place your gold in the dust, And the gold of Ophir among the stones of the brooks, Then the Almighty will be your gold And choice silver to you. 'For then you will delight in the Almighty And lift up your face to God. Nomic, the level of prosperity; and the second political, the degree of security. From this perspective, societies can be con­ sidered more developed the greater their prosperity and the more secure the lives and property of those who inhabit them. Some might object to the use of income, and especially average income, as a measure of development.

Well-being.Success. Abundance. Overflow. These are all definitions of the good life—ofprosperity. And despite religious tradition claiming that it is ungodly orselfish, prosperity is God’s will for you.

It is the will of God for us to be made whole—spirit, soul and body—and to be kept that way until the return of our Lord Jesus Christ (see 1 Thessalonians 5:23). What is included in whole-life prosperity? Spiritual Prosperity. To prosper spiritually, you must be born again. PDF Return to Prosperity How America Can Regain Its Economic Superpower Status Download Online. PDF Return to Prosperity How America Can Regain. The article attempts to establish that prosperity gospel is rooted in the faulty interpretation of several biblical passages. The prosperity gospel portrays wealth and riches as a covenant and the.

Have you ever noticed that the Scriptures don’t say God will give you just enough to get by? Instead, the Bible uses words like overflow, plentiful and abundance. God wants to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can even ask or think (Ephesians 3:19-21), and He tells us that His only plans for us are success (Jeremiah 29:11). That’s a prosperous life!

God wants to bless us with whole-life prosperity to establish His covenant with us, give us life more abundantly, and empower us to bless others and further the gospel of Jesus Christ. The idea that God wants His people sick, sad or living in poverty is completely against His Word and His very nature.
Find 60 Scriptures About Prosperity and Success here.

God isn’t opposed to our being rich. That doesn’t upset Him even a little. In fact, He delights in our prosperity (Psalm 35:27). He’s just opposed to our becoming covetous and greedy. God has a full supply, lacking nothing, and He wants us to be the same way.

If you’re ready to live the life He desires you to have, it’s important to first understand how to get there. Begin today with these 7 laws of prosperity.

1. Prosperity Is MoreThan Finances

“I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” –3 John1:2 (NKJV)

Whenever someone mentions “the prosperity gospel,” especiallyin a negative sense, they are referring to money only. That’s certainly part ofliving life more abundantly, but that isn’t all Jesus had in mind. It would beeasy to settle for spiritual prosperity, but that type of spiritual lazinessdoes not bring glory to God and give full honor to what Jesus paid for us toenjoy here on earth. It is the will of God forus to be made whole—spirit, soul and body—and to be kept that way until thereturn of our Lord Jesus Christ (see 1 Thessalonians 5:23).

What is included in whole-life prosperity?

  1. Spiritual Prosperity. To prosper spiritually, you must be bornagain. When you accept Jesus as your Savior and make Him the Lord of your life,your spirit is reborn and brought into fellowship with the Father, AlmightyGod.
  2. Emotional Prosperity. True peace and joy cannot be found inthis world without Christ. That’s why we see people remarrying over and over,using antidepressants, contemplating suicide, tearing other people down, usingdrugs or even questioning their God-given gender. That is not the abundant lifeJesus came to give us, and it is anything but prosperity. Jesus fills the voids:He brings answers where there were questions, confidence where there wasinsecurity, hope where there was once hopelessness.
  3. Mental Prosperity. The world thinks of mental prosperity assimply “knowing it all,” but God had something much better in mind. Mentalprosperity includes revelation knowledge, mental abilities beyond our own, anda sharp mind until the day we go home to heaven. It means casting downimaginations and being in control of your own thoughts.
  4. Physical Prosperity. The world’s system of healing makes a god of thehospital and a god of medicine. Actually, for the most part, it leaves God outentirely, and without God, it will not work! God has a better way. He wants youto walk in supernatural and divine health all the days of your life.
  5. Relational Prosperity. Only God can truly prosper you in the areaof relationships. He is the giver of good and perfect gifts. He can bringreconciliation where the world would say all hope is lost, and He can grant youa strong and lasting marriage, and healthy family relationships andfriendships. There is a special peace in relational prosperity. He wants you tohave it.
  6. Accomplishment Prosperity. In other words—favor. Whenyou have favor, it opens doors for you and causes things to go your way—evenwhen, in the natural, it may not seem possible. When you succeed at something,you prosper. God desires us to have success in life!
  7. Financial Prosperity. If a man came to you needing clothes andyou didn’t have any clothes to give, both of you would be in trouble. We are toprosper so that we might provide abundantly for our own families, bless thosearound us, and fund the work of the kingdom of God here on earth.

This is the basic, fundamental truth that runs throughout the entire Bible. Every time there was a need, no matter what that need was, God had a man somewhere who had the resources—spiritually, mentally or financially—to meet that need.

2. Tithing Is Tiedto Prosperity

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse…and try Me now in this…if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.” –Malachi 3:10 (NKJV)

Handling someone else’s money is thetesting ground—the qualifier—for Kingdom prosperity. This all begins with theproper handling of what belongs to God—the tithe. Tithing is the open door toTHE BLESSING that God set forth to meet your needs, bless you, and keep youprosperous.

In Deuteronomy 28, God spoke to the Israelites about the curse and THE BLESSING. But just prior, in Deuteronomy 26, He talked to them about letting Him in on their finances—through the tithe. Why? Not because God needed the money, but because they needed help. They were going into the Promise Land where there were many challenges. So, He told them about tithing, the curse and THE BLESSING, in that order.

And you know, it’s still the sametoday. If you’ve been thinking, Ibelieve in tithing, but I just can’t afford it,you’re going backward. Because ifyou don’t let THE BLESSING in, the curse comes in.

Have questions about tithing? We have answers! Find them in “Tithing 101.”

3. Debt Freedom Is Key to Prosperity

“The borrower isslave to the lender.” –Proverbs 22:7 (NIV)

Owing another man is bondage—a chain thatbelongs on no child of God. To live fully in prosperity, debt freedom is key. The world has asystem of finance that is complex and very poor in operation. It continuallyrocks back and forth between the two extremes of depression and inflation.

However, when you are functioning in God’s system offinance, life can be very simple. Don’t borrow from anyone—get it from God. Theproblem with borrowing is that it is controlled by the world’s system. In orderto borrow, you must subordinate yourself to another person. Instead, look toGod, He will give to you, not loanto you!

When Kenneth and Gloria Copeland first setout to obey God according to Romans 13:8, which says “owe no one anything” (NKJV), they had a long way to go! However,they were determined. They sat down and wrote out what it would take to operatetheir household abundantly. Then they prayed over it in the Name of Jesus. Atthat moment, they made up their minds to never borrow money again, and in lessthan 12 months, they did not owe anything and haven’t owed a penny since.

4. Pay Taxes Without Grumbling

“Pay your taxesand government fees to those who collect them, and give respect and honor tothose who are in authority.” –Romans 13:7

One of the major things that will foul upyour life where prosperity is concerned is bad-mouthing the government and itsleaders, particularly in the area of taxation. Most people are operating instrife where their taxes are concerned, and it has a direct relationship to thegovernment that provides our financial system. One day the Lord told BrotherCopeland, “Quit grumbling and complaining about your tax money. Pay it cheerfullythe way you do your tithe, and I’ll bless it.” From then on, he and Gloria startedpraying over their tax money—just as they do their tithe—and they have neverhad a tax bill that they couldn’t pay.

Get strife and hard feelings toward yourgovernment out of your heart! The Word says we are to pray and give thanks forour leaders, not bad-mouth them! When you begin to change your heart and comeinto obedience to God’s Word in this area, it will open an area of prosperityyou didn’t even know existed, and you will live in an abundance of peace inyour land.

Watch Kenneth Copeland teachabout the laws of prosperity.

5. You Must Know How to Give andReceive

“Give and itshall be given unto you.” –Luke 6:38 (KJV)

The spiritual law ofprosperity contains both giving and receiving. Jesus knew the spiritual law of giving, and He operated itproficiently. He gave to the poor at such an astonishing rate that when Judasleft the room during the Last Supper, some people thought that he must be goingto give to the poor.

The Laws Of Prosperity Pdf

Do you want ahundredfold return on your money—to live in financial prosperity? Give and letGod multiply it back to you. No bank in the world offers this kind of return!Praise the Lord!

Return To Prosperity Pdf File

As believers, we need toexercise faith not only in seeking how much and where to sow, but also inreceiving the harvest on the seeds we sow. Harvesting is vitally importantbecause there are always more people that the Lord can empower us to bless whenwe are receiving the good things He has for us. Don’t get stuck in falsehumility, refusing to receive what God desires to give you. Instead, become agood giver and a good receiver—it’sspiritual law!

6. You Must Choose God’s System

“Be not conformedto this world.” –Romans 12:2 (KJV)

There are two choices before you—the world’s system or God’ssystem. This is true if you want to enjoy prosperity in your health, finances,mind, relationships, peace, joy or any other area of life. The world tells youto go deeper and deeper in debt, expect to get sick or diseased, get divorcedif you don’t like your spouse, and do whatever makes you feel good in themoment. But those aren’t God’s ways. The Bible says the things of God arefoolishness to the world (1 Corinthians 2:14).

The world will always give you the option of choosing itssystem, but God’s way is always the better way. When you come to a crossroad,you’ll see the world calling you to believe in pharmaceuticals, information onthe internet, or the latest research. “This is the answer!” they’ll shout. Don’texpect God’s best to come from the world’s system. He will work around andthrough it in order to reach you, but it is always far below His best.

Don’t be conformed to this world. Choose God’s way—it alwaysleads to prosperity.

7. You Will Have What You Say

“He shall havewhatsoever he saith.” –Mark 11:23 (KJV)

Return To Prosperity Pdf

InMark 11:23, Jesus introduced a principle—a spiritual law—that works. It doesn’tmake sense to the natural mind that with faith you can have whatever you sayeven though it may be contrary to what you can see with your physical eyes. ButJesus said it, and by the eternal Almighty God, it is so! When you act on it,mix your faith with it, and don’t doubt in your heart, this spiritual law willwork for you!

Godcreated all things by the power of His Word. Each time God spoke, He releasedHis own faith—which was the very creative power that brought His words to pass.In doing so, He demonstrated how words are spiritual containers that carry thepower to shape our destiny. Our words contain and release our faith. But whatis most exciting is that when we speak God’s words about our lives, we releasethe creative power of God’s faith into our situations.

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach about the law ofwords at Kenneth Copeland Bible College™!

So, every time we confess the Wordof God from a heart that’s confident God will do in our lives what Hesaid—according to Jesus in Mark 11:24—we shall have what we say.

These seven laws ofprosperity work the same asthe laws of salvation, healing and so forth. We are dealing with the same God,the same Word, the same Jesus, the same force of faith and the same thief. Afarmer can intend to have a good crop, but if he never plants the seed, how canhe possibly produce a harvest? If you want to reap a harvest—you have to obeythe laws! The seven laws of prosperity will bring results!

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60 Scriptures About Prosperity and Success
5 Truths About Biblical Prosperity

40 Days Of Prosperity Pdf

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