Vmware Tools Iso Download Linux Guestmilkwestern


This article describes how to install the VMWare tools and configure the network after installing the ISO image.

VMware Tools consist of a set of utilities that you install in the server's operating system. You should install VMware tools to ensure proper operation of your system.


For virtual machines in a vSphere environment, you can alternatively use VMware Tools operating system specific packages (OSPs) to install and upgrade VMware Tools. With OSPs you can use the native update mechanisms of your operating system to download, install, and manage VMware Tools. Separate Linux tar package is available starting VMware Tools 10.3.20 release line. Free chess books online. For newer Linux releases (RHEL7, SLE12, Ubuntu 14.04, CentOS7, Debian 7, OEL7, Fedora 19 and OpenSuSE 11 and later), it is recommended that the users use the open-vm-tools bundled with some Linux operating systems.

Download vmware tools iso for linux
  • You already have Ubuntu 14.04 installed.

  • You skipped the network configuration during the installation of Ubuntu 14.04.

  • You are in the Infrastructure > Server section of the Cloud Panel.

Please Note

If you have not yet configured your server, it may only be accessible via the KVM console.

Vmware Tools Iso Linux

How to install the VMWare Tools:

  • Select the desired server.

  • Click DVD Drive.

  • In theApplications tab, select the DVD VMWare Tools Linux.

  • Click Load DVD.

  • Click Actions > Launch KVM Console. The KVM Console opens in a new tab.

  • Click Send Ctrl+Alt+Del.

  • Log in with the following data: localhost
    login: root
    Password: Your chosen password
    You will be logged in.

  • Enter the command mkdir /mnt/dvd.

  • Enter the command mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/dvd. The DVD will be mounted.

  • To unpack the archive, enter the command tar -xzf /mnt/dvd/VMwareTools-10.0.0-3000743.tar.gz -C/tmp.

  • To run the install script and install the tools with the default settings, enter the command /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib/vmware-install.pl and the message Do you still want to proceed with this legacy installer? will appear.

  • Enter yes and press Enter. The message In which directory do you want to install the binary files? [/usr/bin] appears.

  • Press Enter and the message What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)? will appear.

  • Press Enter and the message What is the directory that contains the init scripts? [/etc/init.d] appears.

  • Press Enter. The message In which directory do you want to install the deamon files? [/usr/sbin] appears.

  • Press Enter and the message In which directory do you want to install the library files? [/usr/lib/vmware-tools] appears.

  • Press Enter and the message The path '/usr/lib/vmware-tools' does not exist currently. This program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want? appears. Koikatsu dlc markdown items.

  • Enter yes. The message In which directory do you want to install the documentation files? [/usr/share/doc/vmware-tools] Windows 7 product activation bypass. appears.

  • Press Enter and the message The path '/usr/share/doc/vmware-tools' does not exist currently. This program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want? appears.

  • Enter yes. The message In which directory do you want to install the documentation files? [/usr/share/doc/vmware-tools] appears.

  • Press Enter and the message The path /usr/share/doc/vmware-tools does not exist currently will appear. This program is going to create it, including needed parent directories. Is this what you want? [yes] appears.

  • Type yes and press Enter. The message Before running VMware Tools for the first time, you need to configure it by invoking the following command: '/usr/bin/vmware-config-tools.pl'. Do you want this program to invoke the command for you now? [yes] appears.

  • Type yes and press Enter. The message The VMware Host-Guest Filesystem allows for shared folders between the host OS and the guest OS in a Fusion or Workstation virtual environment. Do you wish to enable this feature? [no] appears.

  • Type no and press Enter. The message The vmblock enables dragging or copying files between host and guest in a Fusion or Workstation virtual enviroment. Do you wish to enable this feature? appears.

  • Type no and press Enter. The message Would you like to enable VMware automatic kernel modules? appears.

  • Type no and press Enter.
    VMware Tools will now be installed.


To configure the network, proceed as follows:

Download Vmware Tools Iso For Linux

  • Open the editor.

  • Open /etc/network/interfaces.

  • Insert the following lines below iface lo inet loopback:
    auto eth0 iface
    eth0 inet dhcpbash

  • To enable the interface, type the following command:
    superuser@locahost:~$ sudo ifup eth0